Thursday, August 30, 2012

Adjusting the Adjustment

Well, my adjustment on Monday was not so great.  I couldn't keep liquids down at all.  Every time I would try to take a sip it hurt like a big air bubble and a few minutes later would come right back up.  So, I called yesterday morning and they had me come right in and have .5 cc taken back out.  I am really bummed to have had to have anything removed, but I am SO happy I can drink again!  I had lost 5 pounds since Monday.  The nurse reminded me that this was due to dehydration and not actual weight loss, so not to be discouraged when that 5 pounds comes right back.  When they took the .5 cc out, the nurse said that this could mean that I'm getting close to my "sweet spot" where the band is tight enough.  BUT, she said it doesn't mean I won't be able to have anymore fills.  My body just did not tolerate a full cc this time and from now on they will only put in .5 at a time.  Feeling much better today!  Coffee tastes great this morning! :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are able to drink again! You are an inspiration to me!!! keep posting!!! :)
