I didn't realize until talking with a friend recently how little I've explained just what the Lap Band is or how it works. So, I thought I would share a little about that.
I have a silicone band that is placed around the upper part of my stomach which creates a very small stomach pouch. The band restricts how fast food can flow into my stomach. It kind of works like a funnel. When I eat, the food goes into the pouch first, and then moves past the band into the rest of my stomach and digestive system. Inside the band there is tubing that can be inflated. The tubing is attached to a port under my skin that can be accessed with a needle. Over the next year I will be going for an office visit to have saline solution added through the port to gradually tighten or "fill" the band and make the opening smaller, thereby slowing down how quickly the small stomach pouch empties. There are 2 types or brands of bands used in the United States. The Lap Band and the Realize Band. I chose the Lap Band because it has been around the longest and I know people who have had success with it.
Here is a link that tells more about the Lap Band: The LAP-BAND® Device & How It Works
So, right now the band has been attached to my upper stomach. It has not been tightened yet, so it's just there and is giving some restriction, but not a whole lot yet. I go for my first "fill" to have it tightened for the first time on June 25th. I'm anxious to see how much difference it makes!
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